match is taking way too long to load
whenever i queue into a game my game freezes on the map screen and i get queue dodge warnings for this... it never used to do this
20 Replies
Whats your ping running at normally?
And your internet provider is?
im using ethernet
Whats your specs?

yeah every since this update I cant get in the agent select with out "dodging" but im not dodging its this dumb game taking forever
That’s what I’m saying
Like mine every 5-6 games before the update froze on the screen after agent select
But now mine freezes only before
I played 1 or 2 games fine earlier before this was effecting me so idk
this happend to me to
is your game installed on an ssd or hdd
if hdd switch to ssd
if no ssd defrag hdd
this happens to me too
i dont know what to do
That happened to me
What I did was I qued a deathmatch every time I played valorant for the first time per day
I would freeze on a deathmatch and then shut my pc off and turn it on again
U don’t get afk penalties in deathmatch so hope this helps because after it freezes once it usually doesn’t freeze again in the same day
it does
it happened to me 3 times in a row today
It only happens to me once but rarely another when I’m playing too long
Try changing your DNS to public instead of private one.
Then, make sure that ipv6 is disabled on your network. This oftentimes helps with connection issues.
Make sure that the game is installed on your C drive with enough space storage.
Lastly, do a Clean Boot. This will make sure that there are no 3rd party apps running on your background that can cause this issue.
remembered a reddit post about this, it seemed to work for some so you can try those
Happening to me to I got also got a queue dodging warning
its already public, ipv6 is already disabled, its installed on my cdrive and i already did a clean boot
try repairing the game through launcher
and if everything fails then send a ticket to support