motion in satrate line

why 4th is not counted correct?
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12 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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BroGotNoQuotes8mo ago
wht makes u say its right? using slope?
hardcoreisdead8mo ago
accn is rate of change of slope in x-t graph , for A its constant and for B its changing , therefore 4th not correct
GauravOP8mo ago
umm nothing actually but any strong reason for it to be wrong?
hardcoreisdead8mo ago
what are the correct options btw? i am gettign 3
GauravOP8mo ago
ahh means that constant line ka slope ka slope zero hoga thats why they can never be equal
hardcoreisdead8mo ago
A ka slope is constant therefore rate of change of slope is 0
GauravOP8mo ago
yess please do help in my other doubts if you are free it would be a lot helpful
3 is right, and 4 isn't cuz over time A has const. velocity, zero acceleration, while B has some acceleration.. No way or no where are their acceleration same
GauravOP8mo ago
hmm +solved @PeterGriffinItis
iTeachChem Helper
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