Page Rule - How to redirect from port 2043 to 80

Let's say I have this URL How can I create a page rule to redirect it to a standard HTTP (80) port (or HTTPS on 443 in my example) so it becomes Basically I want to obfuscate that Cloudflare port out of the URL.
3 Replies
Chaika8mo ago
You can make an origin rule hostname equals and rewrite dest. port to 2043. People will connect normally (on 443) and CF will connect to your origin on the overwrriten dest. port under Rules -> Origin Rules (you can't overwrite port w/ page rules))
MattOP8mo ago
I don't want to redirect people to port 2043. I want to take them away from it.
Chaika8mo ago
oh, you could just include the port as part of the page rule url then

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