Universal Blue•8mo ago

Alternative way to provide the installer with a username to use

I've just tried to install Bazzite onto my Ally X for a dualboot setup. However, the one thing I absolutely require a wired keyboard for, apparently, is to input my desired username, as the installer doesn't provide a touch keyboard. Since that seems to be an issue that won't be fixed quickly, and I don't have access to a wired keyboard either, I was wondering if there was an alternative way to provide the installer with a username to use when installing. Maybe a text file I need to create on the USB flash drive?
Bazzite should have prefilled deck deck on the deck iso
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45 Replies
antheas•8mo ago
Use the deck username Which is default
LuciOP•8mo ago
How would I type that in without a wired keyboard?
antheas•8mo ago
It's the default You can change it after if you're so inclined But if you don't have a keyboard, what's all the fuss with the username
LuciOP•8mo ago
It isn't pre-filled in or anything
antheas•8mo ago
I thought we prefilled it
LuciOP•8mo ago
I cannot complete the installation without entering a username I wish 😅 Using latest stable bazzite-deck
antheas•8mo ago
@Kyle Gospo @Skynet still no prefill?
Skynet•8mo ago
Anaconda supports kickstart files which can include a username and password. You do need to make sure you select the right flavor when building the installer though as some of the flavors disable the user account creation portion of Anaconda. Is that what you need?
antheas•8mo ago
Bazzite should have prefilled deck deck on the deck iso
antheas•8mo ago
We didn't do it?
LuciOP•8mo ago
if that can be added to my USB stick post flashing the ISO to it with balena Etcher, then that would solve my problem, yeah
Skynet•8mo ago
You could use the additional_templates input variable to include a lorax template that adds the username and password to the kickstart file usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks See https://github.com/JasonN3/build-container-installer/blob/main/lorax_templates/install_set_installer.tmpl for how the template would look
Creates an ISO for installing a container image as an OS - JasonN3/build-container-installer
Skynet•8mo ago
You can always add to the kickstart file. For the most part interactive-defaults.ks gets used, but you can define your own as well
LuciOP•8mo ago
Would that be feasible for someone who has no experience with - building an OS - building a Fedora Atomic Desktop OS - building Bazzite - Anaconda - Lorax
Skynet•8mo ago
You can use https://weldr.io/lorax/mkksiso.html to add a kickstart with a single command
LuciOP•8mo ago
It doesn't sound like a solution that's accessible to me
Skynet•8mo ago
The lorax template that could add it to the interactive-defaults.ks could be added to the Bazzite build, but that would be up to the Bazzite maintainers to decide if they want it there
LuciOP•8mo ago
I'n more asking if this could be as easy as editing one file on my USB stick
antheas•8mo ago
I don't think there is But usbc to USB converters are very cheap
LuciOP•8mo ago
I have three, I just don't have a wired keyboard and the Logitech wireless keyboard I tried didn't work (it uses a USB dongle)
antheas•8mo ago
Should be fine With the dongle
LuciOP•8mo ago
but it just doesn't work :') batteries are fresh too
antheas•8mo ago
Does it work in windows
LuciOP•8mo ago
Yknow what I haven't tested that
Skynet•8mo ago
As long as the filesystem is read/write, it is as easy as editing one file. The issue is that, if I remember right, even when written to a USB drive, ISOs stay read-only
LuciOP•8mo ago
I'm out and about but can test later
antheas•8mo ago
I guess everyone still has keyboards Because I thought we fixed this And you're the first one to complain in months Did you download the deck ISO
LuciOP•8mo ago
I don't think the latter is true bazzite-deck stable If you can tell me which file to edit and what edits to make, that would solve my problem, otherwise asking around if anyone has a wired keyboard for me to borrow for 10 seconds will be the easier solution 😄
antheas•8mo ago
Probably the latter is the better solution And for us Fixing it later
Skynet•8mo ago
If it is read/write, you just need to add a file that says
user deck --password=deck --plaintext
%ksappend usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks
user deck --password=deck --plaintext
%ksappend usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks
and then add inst.ks=FILENAME.ks to the boot option
antheas•8mo ago
Didn't we do that for bazzite deck? I remember us removing the root user and making it a default What happened to that I haven't heard a single user complain about it after that
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•8mo ago
it's removed, yea
antheas•8mo ago
But making the deck user default Didn't we do that
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•8mo ago
not sure, I'll look at iso setup
LuciOP•8mo ago
Windows can't access it "without formatting" and diskmgmt.msc shows the partition as "RAW", it's probably not writeable by Windows after all
Skynet•8mo ago
Windows won't understand the filesystem. It has to be linux or possibly even mac I'm not sure if WSL has any support for linux filesystems while still on Windows
LuciOP•8mo ago
I just triple checked and nothing is prefilled for the user during installation
antheas•8mo ago
Don't bother find a keyboard We will look into ut
LuciOP•8mo ago
I have ADHD, "don't bother" ain't an option 😂 /lh I'm gonna try this
antheas•8mo ago
Even if I wanted to I couldn't do it But gl
Skynet•8mo ago
WSL might support mkksiso. If it does, you could write the same kickstart file and then run mkksiso --ks=FILE.ks ORIGINAL_ISO.iso OUTPUT.iso and then write that ISO to the USB drive
LuciOP•8mo ago
Would that modify my existing ISO? And would it be equivalent to both of these steps, especially the second one?
Skynet•8mo ago
the mkksiso command would copy the kickstart file into the ISO and modify the default boot options
LuciOP•8mo ago
I forgot to respond here, apologies. Turns out I used the wrong USB dongle for my wireless keyboard, it worked with the right dongle 😄 I've now installed it and only had a minor hiccup because I didn't know what to do on the MOK management screen (I had to Enroll MOK). But yeah, having a prefilled user and password would have been great to avoid this whole ordeal 😄
LuciOP•8mo ago
Thank you everyone for your help!!

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