valorant being annoying >:(
heyo so I just tried to play Val and like it just wouldn't turn on? my pc is fine so is my internet, I disabled ipv6, excluded firewall etc so that's not the issue, it just gets stuck on the loading screen. Any1 know why? if I ask support they're just gonna copy paste the same thing
14 Replies
welp actually it turned on but my chat got spammed by like 20 of the same failed to save settings to server message then I got Val 1067 later
same problem
no solution π’
enable (TPM) 2.0 @Hidden meaning @lira :3
I'm on windows 10
tpm has nothing to do with windows its a feature in your cpu which you can access via bios
no I know, but valorant on win 10 doesn't need tpm 2.0 nor does my pc have it
reinstall val
reinstalled windows +Val multiple times since this has been happening
it comes n goes
install windows 11 @lira :3
don't have tpm 2.0 :d
my val wont turn up too
spent 30 mins -_ not even loading a thing
but worked well yesterday
i run w10 and i dont have tpm 2.0 too
my apologize
Have you tried repairing
Well just came to say it works
I tried reinstalling and reparing twice