lim, cont, dif

If at a point the LHL exists but the RHL doesn't, so the limit will be = LHL, so what happens to continuity and differentiability at that point, where graph has no right hand lim, where the graph stops, Considering graph doesn't break and no sharp points
10 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
iTeachChem Helper
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Max_345618mo ago
Check out types of discontinuity
Gamertug8mo ago
If RHL dne then limit also dne
AguilarOP8mo ago
I meant there is no RHL Not that it doesn't exist
Real potato
Real potato8mo ago
Then it’s not continuous And consequently non diffrentiable also
AguilarOP8mo ago
Ok thanks
iTeachChem8mo ago
can we close this out if this is sorted?
AguilarOP8mo ago
+solved @Real potato
iTeachChem Helper
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