this will do for 50 val points for art? :<
my first time painting not on paper:val_KekwSob:

18 Replies
my friends told me it will work and i will get valorant points is this even true?
idk but it looks cool
nah i dont think so
yes it will! if you need instructions on how to ask them for vp, just ask here
this is also much more art than you actually need lol, well done
you can send in art for money?
or val pts
you can only do it like once a month or so i think
and max is like 100 vp i think
100 is nothing
cuz like you need 1775 for most half decent skins
still cool tho
50 max
50 per submission*
60 :3
its not to stack up some vp
its just for when youre < 61 vp short from buying a skin
yeah they do that sometimes
Oh damn, ignore me spreading misinformation on the internet then
60 max genz iz right
so you submit your art, then what? How do you get the val points?
i thinknits every 5ishnor 6ish months idk wjrre i saw that tho
support adds it to your account
open ticketz
in supportz