Electronic Configuration of Cl

Why does not the p shell gets the electron to be fully filled
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23 Replies
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iTeachChem Helper
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Deleted User
Deleted User8mo ago
Wait 3s and 3p Don't have similar energy? We were told diffrent.... We were said that the energies are almost equal we got a question on it as well and the answer was 3s=3p
Slembash8mo ago
i was told the same too and got the same Q too...
hardcoreisdead8mo ago
nope , 3s<3p , thus the electron enters 3s first following aufbau principle
Deleted User
Deleted User8mo ago
I know but all of our teachers said ki yea we consider 3s and 3p to have same energy Wait I'll send the question I'm ironing my uniform give 15 mins OHHH I REMEMBER TEACHER SAID THAT THEY WILL HAVE THE SAME ENERGY AS THEY ARE IN THE SAME SHELL
hardcoreisdead8mo ago
like 3s 3p 3d will have same i forgot the term , generalize or smthing
Deleted User
Deleted User8mo ago
Yesss exactly I don't remember either but they said that orbitals of same shell will have same energies But then why do they fill up in increasing energy order? And even in that it's sorta random at times (the cross thingy is not predictable at all it's kind of a way to easily remember)
Cakey Bot
Cakey Bot8mo ago
Transcription requested by Devalok Varshney
Devalok. What? Oh, I get it. You're saying why is it not 3s13p6? Okay, the logic between why it becomes 4s13d5 is because 4s and 3d are similar in energy, theoretically speaking. 3s and 3p are not similar energy so the jumping of electron doesn't happen. That's a very interesting question. Yeah, but that's not something that happens is what we see in nature.
hardcoreisdead8mo ago
aufbau principle
iTeachChem8mo ago
Wait wait. This is only for hydrogen like species It is it is. n + l rule. Multielectron system Dont mug that random graph like thing
lakshya8mo ago
everything in nature wants to remain in it's lowest energy form Because energy is inversely proportional to stability
Deleted User
Deleted User8mo ago
Ohh yea that was the question Ahhh ok I got sooo for single electron /hydrogen like species energy of same orbit is same but for multielectron atoms it follows aufbau principle
lakshya8mo ago
Deleted User
Deleted User8mo ago
Ok got it
lakshya8mo ago
Shell would be more accurate
Deleted User
Deleted User8mo ago
Hmmmmm ok
lakshya8mo ago
wait nvm
Devalok Varshney
Devalok VarshneyOP8mo ago
+solved @Deleted User @iTeachChem @hardcoreisdead @lakshya @Slembash
lakshya8mo ago
cant edit commands bud
Devalok Varshney
Devalok VarshneyOP8mo ago
+solved @Deleted User @iTeachChem @hardcoreisdead @lakshya @Slembash
iTeachChem Helper
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