I can't make a ptc account
Anyone know why I can't make a ptc account. It comes up with an error everytime I try to make one
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It happens to me either when I make too many accts at once or when the e-mail is dubious, like from temp mail. I get to make like 2 and then this. What i found out worked was making many outlook accts, and then do the ptc accts slowly thru the day, 2 accts per hour
I haven't been able to make any accounts for a week over 2 devices. Is there a solution to solve that?
What emails u use? If it is a temp mail consider trying an outlook one. Also, close tab and clear the browser cache, open the ptc acc creator on an private tab
Also try changing network, maybe use data or wifi
Anytime ur inanother wifi do the previous steps and then try it
Gmail. I'll try outlook though
Tysm 🙂
How do I clear the browser cache
Android or computer?
Preferably android though as I'm on my phone rn 🙂
Just close every tab related to niantic site and open an incógnito one to browse ptc
For some reason it popped up again 😦
That's what I usually do, sorry, I don't know sky other fix
I'll try my other phone and see if it works on there
Dang ok, it's not passing the email bit now even though I've used a outlook email