vc doesnt work most of the time

vc doesnt work 95% of the time. it only seems to work if someone is in my party. like i when i solo queue my vc doesnt work, i cant hear them nor can they hear me, but when someone joins me in my party then my team chat as well as party chat starts working automatically, but even then it sometimes turns off and on again on its own, its really frustrating as i cant get or give any comms and this causes me to lose many of my matches. :(. i have tried checking my vc settings as well as re installing valorant but the issue is still there. is there any way to fix this?
2 Replies
it starts working if i am in the match and restart valorant but i end up with an afk penalty whenever i do that anyone?
zinx slayerz
zinx slayerz8mo ago
turn voice chat off and on. it doesnt show people speaking but i can hear them.

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