uhh what

My discussion got locked and marked solved without my question even being answered, like atleast let me respond first?? I mentioned before but it says section 7, but it also states "game modification" and the last time anyone was on her account was like a month ago (not to mention she got booted out of a game and everyone got the cheater detected message when she was kicked)
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8 Replies
Geniux8mo ago
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VANGUARD Main8mo ago
:valExclamation: Your Riot account has been suspended. This means you have violated Riot's terms of fair play and/or behavior. For the duration of your suspension, you won't be able to use your account, but you can still create another account to play. Suspension reasons: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044270174-Be-on-Your-Best-Behavior If you wish to discuss or attempt to appeal an account suspension, you can do that with the link below. Appeal your suspension: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
CederBagelOP8mo ago
That isn't answering my question? Why is it citing game modification?? What game modification? I logged onto her account like a month ago to buy VP? And that definitely isn't game modification
Geniux8mo ago
🤷‍♂️ dont know, ask support
diablo6668mo ago
hey anyone on?? pls need some help
Knowledge8mo ago
The hacker used a cheat exploit that allowed the cheater detected to go onto another persons account in the lobby instead of their own. So for example the hacker cheated in game okay and then instead of Riot Vanguard detecting the cheater as hacker the account you just showed above is what got permanently banned because the cheater wants to still keep cheating and in order to do that they can’t get permanently banned so they make your account look like the one that was cheating in the lobby then you gotta pay for the consequences. What happened with you?
diablo6668mo ago
i tried using a vpn to play val but it denied me access because my ping was too high and with surfshark it reduced the ping alot
CederBagelOP8mo ago
Wait is that actually possible??

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