i keep getting this message
i keep getting this error everytime i try to open valorant, i updated my windows and reinstalled vanguard but it still gives me this message

18 Replies
u reinstalled val?
reinstalled val, vanguard and riot
but it still gives me the error
what happens if u press okey?
it closes valorant
same thing happens if i press cancel
mabye try running it as adminstrator
it worked
thx @kyzo🌸
@kyzo🌸 it did it again
it just ran for longer this time
wait hold up
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

my cpu is overclocked
Hm shouldn't cause an issue most prob
But yea i don't wanna take chances
Open cmd as admin
Type this command
you gonna run a sfc scan?
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Why would i do that lol
gonna try it with the command
Restart ur pc afterwards btw
it worked