Dual boot bazzite and windows

I want to use rEFind to dual boot and have a screen to select which OS to boot into. I'm not sure if rEFind is best or how to do it?
50 Replies
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Ty very much @Aru I made a mistake I did the step where you change the orientation.... And now the screen is flipped how do I undo it I did this sudo rpm-ostree kargs --append-if-missing=video=eDP-1:panel_orientation=left_side_up
asen238mo ago
use --delete-if-present tip you can usually add -h or --help to command like rpm-ostree kargs -h to see available option
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Thanks! I have another problem 😅 sorry to be a bother I installed rEFind gui which is the wrong one and now I can't remove the folder
asen238mo ago
how are you removing the folder? you probably need sudo for that also be careful with efi folder
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Yh I tried sudo rm -r /boot/efi/efi/refind
asen238mo ago
what are the output?
Rhan121OP8mo ago
No such file or directory
asen238mo ago
the second efi is probably capitalized sudo rm -r /boot/efi/EFI/refind also before removing anything it is good practice to ls it first
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Yh tried that too don't work
asen238mo ago
like ls /boot/efi/EFI/refind try ls /boot/efi/EFI
Rhan121OP8mo ago
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Rhan121OP8mo ago
But I can't cd into efi
asen238mo ago
what is the output of this dont cd add sudo btw i forgot
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Permission denied I added sudo
asen238mo ago
wut try sudo stat /boot/efi/EFI
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Oh wait not It was a typo
asen238mo ago
lol if it messed up it gonna be a bad time
Rhan121OP8mo ago
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asen238mo ago
the folder definitely exist try rm again maybe use sudo rm -rf /boot/efi/EFI/refind
Rhan121OP8mo ago
That did it ♥️ thank you!
asen238mo ago
the -f is force, but dont use it too much lol
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Um when I tried booting it I windows I got bitlocker recovery which I never set up in the first place
HikariKnight8mo ago
microsoft did that for you, the key should be somewhere in your microsoft account online (dont ask me where to find it, dont know where)
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Hi sorry, I've got rEFind but can't get mouse or touch to work. I've edited the config
Rhan121OP8mo ago
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Rhan121OP8mo ago
I've tried with both mouse and touch on no luck
antheas8mo ago
We are talking with some YouTubers doing efi Ref8nd Turns out ally has issues with refind touchscreen
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Oh I see is there something else that works ? Clover maybe ?
antheas8mo ago
Using the bios works
Rhan121OP8mo ago
If there is no other way then sure I'll do that
antheas8mo ago
You can hold the volume button when booting and that fixes the touchscreen I was told
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Hmm ok will try that
wolfyreload8mo ago
I'm using this little hack on my Rog Ally, maybe this will work for you (if you don't come right with refind). Note that you can run efibootmgr to get the #### number for Windows Boot Manager. It was 0000 for me. Then I just saved this script in my home folder as boot-to-windows.sh (content of the file below)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo efibootmgr -n 0000 #change the 0000 to something else if it's different for you
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo efibootmgr -n 0000 #change the 0000 to something else if it's different for you
After that I made the file executable with chmod +x boot-to-windows.sh. So if I ever want to boot into Windows I just double click on boot-to-windows.sh file (and enter my password when requested) and it will boot straight into Windows. If I reboot again, I'm back into Bazzite. I went for this approach as very seldom boot Windows and I couldn't get Refind working properly for me. Hope that helps
Rhan121OP8mo ago
Thank you! I will try later 😊 @wolfyreload I've added the file but nothing happens when I click it also made it executable Oh nvm it works I think I have to reboot after haha
Ty how do you get it to not require a password
wolfyreload7mo ago
I figured out how to have it not need a password, normally you'd need a password to run /usr/sbin/efibootmgr so to get around this I created a new file in /etc/sudoers.d/efibootmgr-config with the content
%wheel ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/efibootmgr
%wheel ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/efibootmgr
What this is essentially doing it allowing all users that are in the wheel group (e.g. administrator users) to run efibootmgr without sudo You can do all this with a one liner if you prefer
sudo echo "%wheel ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/efibootmgr" tee /etc/sudoers.d/efibootmgr-config
sudo echo "%wheel ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/efibootmgr" tee /etc/sudoers.d/efibootmgr-config
ps. Note that you'll need to remove the sudo reboot in the boot-to-windows.sh script
So I create a txt file in sudoers.d what do I name it sorry still learning sh
wolfyreload7mo ago
you can name it whatever you want, it will read all the files in the /etc/sudoers.d/ folder and apply them
Ok awesome one more question the second part where does that go?
wolfyreload7mo ago
do you mean this part? "ps. Note that you'll need to remove the sudo reboot in the boot-to-windows.sh script"
The sudo echo part
wolfyreload7mo ago
if you did the first bit you can ignore the echo part. I just included that if you wanted a one liner
There was no efi folder so I created one is that not the right way I apologize for bothering you haha
wolfyreload7mo ago
I'm not sure what you mean about no efi folder?
I would go into etc here then find sudoers right
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That's the txt document that has the command Doesn't work so I'm assuming it's in the wrong place
antheas7mo ago
be careful when editing the sudoers files yes that will not work you need to use the terminal
So I was able to get refind to work ty for all the help everyone!

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