Explain kardo with reactions i have no clue about them

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22 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
iTeachChem Helper
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Cakey Bot
Cakey Bot8mo ago
Transcription requested by lakshya
So, you know that KOH is a test for CO2, so only CO2 reacts with that, CO will not react. That's the first part. So, say you get the milliequivalents or millimoles of carbon dioxide actually there in the initial mixture. And then you can figure out the rest from there, volume of explosion is V plus 12, figure
lakshyaOP8mo ago
can you give me the reaction of first reaction
iTeachChem8mo ago
Toppr Ask
Write the chemical equation the following activity: Carbon dioxide ...
Click here👆to get an answer to your question ✍️ write the chemical equation for the following activitycarbon dioxide gas was passed through koh solution
iTeachChem8mo ago
Could also write it as k2co3 and water.
lakshyaOP8mo ago
uh by the first reaction i meant co + co2 + o2 with ig heat or electricity whatever it is
lakshyaOP8mo ago
well nvm ig, this probably has some random details that i dont need to deal with
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¹¹⁷sos8mo ago
This is from eudiometry, I think it's in syllabus
lakshyaOP8mo ago
Ohh we havent done that yet, this is supposed to be just equivalent weight and mole concept
iTeachChem8mo ago
Can be done with jsut this. I have class now. Ek baar sawal google kar lo and see the answer.
Cakey Bot
Cakey Bot8mo ago
Transcription requested by Kir
No, this can be done. I don't think this is out of syllabus or anything. The only thing they use is the ideal gas law, which is not ideal gas, in proportion to V.
¹¹⁷sos8mo ago
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¹¹⁷sos8mo ago
Is the answer 10 @lakshya ?
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lakshyaOP8mo ago
oh yea i think thanks forgot about this
lakshyaOP8mo ago
uh how do i exactly do that +solved @¹¹⁷sos
iTeachChem Helper
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