how to fix?
I'm on PS5 and my game stays on this blue screen. Does anyone know how to fix it?

65 Replies
I am on xbox and have the same problem
I am on PS5 and have the same problem
I am on ps5 and have same the same problem

me too
just press back when it shows like that works for me
tried it for me it just takes me to a black page and the back to the same thing
uninstall and reinstall the
best method ong
i’ll try it
Did that, it did the same thing unfortunately
damn sorry to hear
I’m on pay and have the same problem :Gekko_Wingman_Sad:
yea same
idk what to do anymore 😭
please modsss solutionnnn
i gave up
me too
i’ve been sitting in this chat
and at that blue screen
since 7 pm
pc probably better ig
yes bro
i just gave up and played bo3
yeah i give up too
like 3 hours ago
guess pc is just better
yall play pc too right
i tried everything
my pc is fried
dont even have a pc
dam riot gon lose lotta players cs of this
yea then i can understand why that feels bad
yea dw, the game just fully opened for everybody
they gon fix it
today right?
ive been playing val for 2 years
probably gonna be fixed in max a week
i dont reccomend it
ion think so
1.5 years for me
games been up since morning
shits like liquid depression
i hate the game but i have to come back
i hate it but i return everytime
lmfao me too
but once u start playing
life sucks
its so stressing
0 years for me
hopefully it gets fixed cs my pc is running 2 frames since i fried my gpu
is it really thta bad?
val or my pc?
i mean you’ll rage really bad
but it’s fun with friends
I deleted and reinstalled didn’t work either
Same problem
I’ve been looking around and it seems to be an issue while trying to play in unsupported regions, while your psn/xbox account is set to a region that has the game available like the USA, when you open the game your ip doesn’t belong to a supported region and that’s maybe why it gets stuck on that screen. This is the only logical answer k could find since everyone that has this issue isn’t from a supported region. I haven’t found anyone from a supported region having this problem so that’s my theory on it.
I lived in the US and the same thing happens to me I have the blue screen.
so what u are saying is when the game comes out for LATAM per say, where I live, I will be able to play even though my ps5 is set to the US region?
That’s what I’m thinking yeah
I would hope to get proven wrong tho
Cause I have the same problem and it looks like this is a way of region locking after managing to download the game
mmmm maybe
well idk
i just wanted to play it on ps5 since my pc never has good wifi for sum reason
on twitter they said its open for brazil
aint that where latam servers are bruh
Is South America brazil
We gotta wait longer, doesn’t seem like an actual open beta considering half the world can’t play it

no solution yet ?
I think no 😭
I’m from Puerto Rico still have a lot of problems for me.😩
me too, but i have the same problem as them
same bruh my friends are losing there minds while i can get in 💀🙏