VALORANT Quest for Discord, spent more than 15 mins playing and I still see no Quest Progression.
Anyone else having this issue?, all my accounts are connected (Consoles, Discord & Riot)

11 Replies
Activity status set to on too?
how do I change that?
On console? Idk. Just make sure you have discord open on console I think.
I don't know how console works sorry
Activity status on Discord for both Xbox and PS are on, Riot doesn’t give me that option for them but yes, it’s on.
PS doesn’t have Discord fully integrated into their system yet, just VCs
How did you fix your issue
I'm having the same problem.
go to Settings > User and Accounts > Privacy > View and Customize Your Privacy Settings > scroll down to “Who can see your online status and what you’re currently playing” > select “Anyone”.
then open VALORANT and proceed from there
I did this already it didn't work 😭🙏
I just says I'm online but not on valorant
make sure you aren’t Hiding VALORANT or you have both Riot and PS connected on both ends.
Yeah I did that too
Wdym by hiding valorant?
Like it says I'm online on valorant
But it dosent say I'm on valorant on the quest
I’m not sure then
Ah alr ty