
lag back

im getting good fps and ping but im having a lot of lag back any ideas why?
3 Replies
B33TL3JU1C38mo ago
Knowledge8mo ago
You ever find a fix for this every update just keeps getting more and more laggy for me and I got 2gb of wifi at house and still every time I move in game I get teleported back to original position. I can play rainbow six siege at 100 ping+ and never lag once or get teleported but I get kicked from game and have to reconnect if I have too high of ping but I’m Valorant I am constantly lagging like crazy on 40 ping or higher causing me not to be able to move in game and hit shots cuz I keep getting teleported back to original position in game.
evanOP8mo ago
I optimized and tweaked my pc and I’m getting 50-100 more fps with less ping and no more lag I can send you the guide later in DMs

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