20 Replies
Note for OP
+solved @user1 @user2...
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.look at the angles , you will understand
sorry you would have to breif more
what angles?

this looks good
@Weirdo what chap does this come under
solid state
one of the angles is not 90deg
no like i meant to say why a end centered Bravais lattice is not defined in cubic
like why are there gaps in the braivais lattice
some crystal systems have 1 some 2
like i can see it being defined , hence the doubt im confused
like i tried to draw the lattice

and yeah i can locate more of them in the lattice itself
see it is not a mathematical idea that is expanded into nature, it is the other way around
this is what is found in nature due to size of ions that fit
so theoretically you can make any lattice
but irl the ones that exist are listed there
there maybe symmetry and other constraints because of which it may not exist
uske liye padhna padega thoda not sure
hmm alright yeah that makes sense
thats reasonable,
Thanks sir!
abhi ke liye yadh rak leta hu , baadme padhlenge jee ke Baad
oh wait sir yeah that point helped me understand it a bit i think
like cubic had 3 fold symmetry about a body diagonal
yea somthing like that
but if i try to do that for a "end centered cubic system" thats not working
there are more symmetry elements
we dont study it
but yea that is one reason
ahhh thats fair
i will remember it
thank you so much sir!!
if you study x ray crystallography you may study it haha
it is there a LOT in materials engi
most welcome
!! not in my agenda but will check it out sometime 😆
+solved @iTeachChem
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