Cloudflare Zero Trust Access Help
I am using service tokens to authenticate an automation system with an application.
But, it only lets me through the login portal when I'm on the root domain, or in one level deep paths.
I need to get to a two level deep path for the API, but, even with the valid service token in headers, it won't allow me into the two level deep opath.
3 Replies
You mean two subdomains deep, like
doesn't work but
does? If so, the default Universal SSL Cert is just a wildcard *
, any deeper then the first level you'd need a specific wildcard for like *
or a specific cert for like
. Cloudflare sells ACM (Adv. Cert Manager) to allow you to issue those certs
If you don't mean subdomain depth, how deep the path /cookies/cookies
shouldn't matter if your application is just wildcard *
, if not/you potentially have conflicting policies, check them/provide more infoThanks. I fixed it, not sure how, I'm pretty sure I just moved the service auth policy above the other polcies I had.
hmm, sounds like one of the other policies was conflicting then