mfad7mo ago


got a few pieces with buttons missing I wanna fix. there used to be a button seller at the local vintage place but I haven't seen them in a while. I've looked at ebay, but it seems like my options there are giant lots I'll never use up or individual vintage ones that approach $10 a pop after shipping and tax. Any suggestions?
5 Replies
adaptation7mo ago
Most sewing/fabric joints will have small little packets of buttons for a few bucks ime
jfarrell4687mo ago
Yeah, I'd check what they have at JOANN or similar fabric store. Unless you need something really specific. I got some replacement buttons for my pea coat on Amazon, but that's both specific and fairly common I guess.
son of mother of pearl
If you want to replace all the buttons on a shirt, you can get a shirt at a thrift that has buttons you like and strip them. I’ve learned that trying to find similar replacements for a missing button (unless it’s a modern shirt with bog standard plain white or clear buttons) is very tough.
raisinpieOP7mo ago
I don't mind mismatched buttons for my current projects but this is a great idea I will keep in mind for the future!
braindrops7mo ago
It wouldn’t hurt to check thrift stores. They often sell big things of buttons really cheap

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