Hey, I've deployed a Sveltekit project on Vercel and I'm trying to switch to Cloudflare pages. I've
Hey, I've deployed a Sveltekit project on Vercel and I'm trying to switch to Cloudflare pages. I've recode some of my functions to run on V8 (like one with Crypto API), and pretty everything is working on pages. But my dev environnement is not working anymore, because of web API. I'm using vite. Is there any way to switch Vite "runtime" to worker ? Or do I have to separate frontend and backend? I've seen that some people do
vite build --watch
and then wrangler pages dev --live-reload
but it's too long and crash a lot. What can I do?15 Replies
Hope I'm in the good channel
I am getting an error
Project name is currently unavailable. Please use a different name.
The API response is Subdomain is unavailable. This *.pages.dev subdomain is already in use. Select another subdomain.
I made a project with this name, then renamed it, made another with the original name a few times.
Manage -> Rename projectit doesn't actually change the subdomain, just the visual in the dash
yes that isn't what i'm asking about
if you're saying you made a project with a name like
and then renamed it, you won't be able to create another with that same name/subdomain without deleting the first, as it'd always be on it
otherwise not sure what you mean, anything stopping you from picking a different subdomain?I know, it usually works. I'm just saying this started happening with one domain after a few changes.
I'm adding customer custom domains to my pages project. Is there any risk in adding a customer domain that I haven't validated they own? I am trusting the user input, I don't think there's a problem with that but wondering if there could be.
Unknown User•7mo ago
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what's your account id @Fernando Dilland ?
Hey folks!
I created a subdomain for my preview branch following this doc:
Current: https://new-feat.example-web.pages.dev/
Goal: staging.example.com
But it doesn't work (I use Access to protect it) after filling my email it shows an error page.
Any hint on this?
[EDIT]: Solution - Add the sub-domain tot he Access policy as well!
Unknown User•7mo ago
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raised 🙂
Hi folks, question about deploying a NextJS site that deploys both static and dynamic content.
The Nextjs app is inside of an NX monorepo in the
Here's the last couple of values from my build log.
I have a question regarding build output directory. This is what my .next
directory looks like inside of monorepo/apps/nextjsapp
directory. What value should I set for the Build output directory
in CF Pages?
Do I also need to configure an Edge Runtime per these instructions https://blog.cloudflare.com/next-on-pagesThe Cloudflare Blog
And here's another one: the Next.js Edge Runtime becomes the fourth...
You can now deploy SSR Next.js applications to the Cloudflare Pages platform ⚡️
I keep getting this error when trying to delete unused Pages Projects
An unknown error occured. Contact your account team or Cloudflare support: https://cfl.re/3WgEyrH. (Code: 8000000)
I want to have a custom subdomain like one.two.kelly.com. I got an error that the record is not covered by a certificate https://developers.cloudflare.com/ssl/edge-certificates/additional-options/total-tls/error-messages/. To resolve the issue I got advanced certificates, and the url got a certificate. I'm a bit unsure why because I hadn't turned on total TLS yet, so I would expect it to still not have a certificate. Is this expected outcome?
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