Latest update and display issues

Hi, I have an issue with latest update. After loading this new update, my second monitor doesn't display anything after login. This has occurred with 6.6. kernel but it seems that updating to 6.9.9. made this issue again. Atleast one external monitor works. I have a Lenovo Thunderbolt 3 dock with peripherals attached + 2 external monitors with 120Hz refresh rate. I got another update to Bazzite, which downgraded to 6.9.8 kernel, but this didn't fix the issue. I guess it is from custom kernel (akmods?) that causes this.
5 Replies
fiskOP7mo ago
Meanwhile, i will rebase to stable branch. Rebasing to stable branch didn't solve this issue. I am rebasing to bazzite:40-stable-20240717 which should be a working version. I will move back to latest/stable branch whenever this issue is solved. The issue was in thunderbolt 3 dock, not in the Bazzite image. I unplugged cable for few seconds to shut displays off and plugged cable back and both displays turned on and is working. I rebased back to stable branch and it is now working.
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo7mo ago
I love computers
fiskOP7mo ago
Thanks for creating great OS.
i didnt even mean to send this sorry

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