nvidia-drm *ERROR* Cannot create sg_table for NvKmsKapiMemory when using Chromium/Electron apps

I've confirmed that this error happens for me when I run any Chromium/Electron based application on my system such as Chrome/Discord on ublue Aurora and Bazzite. To reproduce this issue opening any Chromium/Electron based application running in a Wayland native mode will trigger the error. This does not happen on Fedora Silverblue OR Fedora Workstation for me, where I may have to manually install NVIDIA drivers. What I've tried doing so far is creating a new user account, cleaning up kargs and grub mkconfig for issues, regenerating initramfs with a new dracut file added to etc for potentially late loading Nvidia drivers as I've read that Arch users have to do this with mkinitcpio but I've been so far unsuccessful at this part and I need some help. Reference as to what I'm trying to do: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/550-54-14-cannot-create-sg-table-for-nvkmskapimemory-spammed-when-launching-chrome-on-wayland/284775/26 Any help would be greatly appreciated as I would prefer to continue using Wayland at the moment.
NVIDIA Developer Forums
550.54.14 - Cannot create sg_table for NvKmsKapiMemory spammed when...
I think it’s an early loading issue I found a fix, I removed kms from mkinitcpio HOOK and added nvidia and i915 modules to MODULES then re-ran mkinitcpio -P and rebooted and made sure drm is enabled in grub and everything worked in my /etc/mkinitcpio.conf: MODULES=(i915 nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm) HOOKS=(base udev autodetec...
10 Replies
Aikoh7mo ago
Possibly related since I get the same/similar messages in my dmesg output: https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite/issues/1377 The issue talks about games causing system freezes, but I did have Discord open whenever I did play games. Issue is closed since I'm not using Bazzite (or ublue) anymore however.
Games and desktop (GNOME) freezing with NVIDIA · Issue #1377 · ublu...
Describe the bug Playing games (usually in fullscreen) causes it to completely freeze seemingly at random. After the game freezes, the entire desktop environment (GNOME) freezes shortly after. Some...
WaveOP7mo ago
I noticed that if this does come up with any application it will freeze & crash the DE or many other applications that also depend on NVIDIA drivers. It seems to be also happening for Arch users, Ubuntu and so-on, seems to not be isolated to just Bazzite/ublue distros. But the fix is apparently in my reference post, I am just trying to apply it to my OS but I'm failing the task.
Aikoh7mo ago
Yes that sounds very similar to my issue But it was games that froze first, before Discord and the rest of the desktop
WaveOP7mo ago
I can't copy paste an image from printscreen for some reason to paste here, otherwise I'd post my fastfetch, but it should be the same as this old image, only difference would be my NVIDIA Drivers are 555.58.02 currently and I'm on the latest Bazzite release.
No description
WaveOP7mo ago
What I've noticed tonight is that if I layer the packages in Silverblue from a plain install, it works, but if I use ublue distros I get this error, so would it be possible to remove the NVIDIA drivers from the system and just layer them? I currently fixed the issue by setting Discord to not run in a Wayland Electron session in Flatpak, but as X11, however I don't know if this is optimal at the moment and I think that other Wayland applications may cause the drivers to fail the same way. I've recently turned off Secure Boot on my laptop by putting it into Setup mode (this is my only option to disable it.) and that has fixed some of the driver signing problems but hasn't gotten rid of the current KDE bugs that have propped up with the latest NVIDIA drivers, I don't know what causes this issue exactly either.
Aikoh7mo ago
I'm not sure either. In my case I switched to another distro (NixOS) and am using NVIDIA's open source GPU kernel modules, which has been stable for me thus far. Without the open source kernel modules I still encountered whole system freezes albeit more rarely than compared to Bazzite. But the open source kernel modules are generally only supported for RTX cards, so it's not an option for everyone. I'm also not sure how one would go about adding the kernel modules to Bazzite or any ublue image; I have limited to no experience with ublue.
WaveOP7mo ago
Is that an option with atomic systems like silverblue?
Aikoh7mo ago
I do not know
Zeglius7mo ago
Did you layer Nvidia drivers in fedora silverblue? Also gotta ask which version. Seems browsers in general are having issues with Wayland with 555
Zeglius7mo ago
Also must point out that by default fedora silverblue/kinoite does not use proprietary drivers by default. You would have needed to set up them by following this https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-silverblue/troubleshooting/#_using_nvidia_drivers Though not sure that 555 is even in rpmfusion
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