Mailchimp landing page not working when proxying through Cloudflare

Hello! I have a landing page on Mailchimp with a sign up form, and when a user signs up the form disappears and a confirmation message is displayed. If I set the DNS records A and CNAME to "proxied" :cloudflare: instead of "DNS only" :greycloud: my landing page stops showing the form and starts showing always the confirmation message, even to new users. If i turn the proxy off it behaves as intended. The problem is I need to have the proxy on to set up redirect rules, cause I wanted all requests to my domain to be redirected to this landing page. I tried to set up a caching rule as well (see pic), thinking it might resolve the issue, but it keeps doing the same thing. Anyone knows what the problem might be and what I could do about it? Any input is greatly appreciated :))
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1 Reply
Chaika8mo ago
my landing page stops showing the form and starts showing always the confirmation message,
I'm not understanding fully, the javascript is somehow bugging out..or? Common issues with proxy are: SSL/TLS Encryption mode (under SSL/TLS -> Overview of your website) should be Full (Strict) to prevent loops Under Speed -> Optimization -> Content Optimization, "Rocket Loader" can cause issues with Javascript on some sites and is unlikely to help. Under that same section, Auto Minify JS/CSS/HTML can can issues as well

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