Wrangler redirect to OAuth login which then tries to redirect to localhost
Today, out of nowhere, when i run something like
wrangler d1 list
it opens the OAuth login page (https://dash.cloudflare.com/login?login_challenge=feabbb4e302c4204a50bbfdef7624292) which then redirects to https://dash.cloudflare.com/oauth/consent-form?consent_challenge=a942e5f5517b42c9ac4b98012753519a, and once I accept (which i've done many time in the past), it redirects to localhost (below).
http://localhost:8976/oauth/callback?code=03iCZmOxfZNXNPi50KyeaiGZQFS7-ZbVOsI7iV3PA58.7Zwut3uaNZTYF_e2Kdt--oJM2ZRpol4LUwe0GJeU3cE&scope=account%3Aread%20user%3Aread%20workers%3Awrite%20workers_kv%3Awrite%20workers_routes%3Awrite%20workers_scripts%3Awrite%20workers_tail%3Aread%20d1%3Awrite%20pages%3Awrite%20zone%3Aread%20ssl_certs%3Awrite%20constellation%3Awrite%20ai%3Awrite%20queues%3Awrite%20offline_access&state=m_e1_y1h9_F8prHyVG1CK4tEReOH7pdH3 Replies
the full error from wrangler:
The redirect is normal, though the fetch failure is not. Does it error the same way if you retry it?
i was consistently failing for about half an hour and i went on to work on something else. when i came back to this it was working again. i've seen errors with wrangler like this in the past.
e.g., today i've been seeing this a lot
but working on retries