d block configuration
Fe+ is supposed to be 3d7 4s0 right??
NCERT me alag diya hai, what do i follow for jee ?

18 Replies
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to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.also if Fe folows this then why does Sc,V and other 3d elements do not ?
Fe+ does not exist btw, check jd lee ek baar, it is super rare.
also, yea what is in ncert, sadly mark that in jee/neet
i know but due to some point regarding energy levels, Fe+ 's coinfig comes out to be 4s0 3d7
its not stable in water dude :D
Chemistry Stack Exchange
Is iron in the brown ring compound in a +1 oxidation state?
In the standard brown ring test for the nitrate ion, the brown ring complex is:
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so there is no question about config
but yea coaching me mangadhan cheezein padhate hain
if you have a source for the 3d7, please share, would be good to know!
In coachings as you said and many online forums etc
Cool! Thanks for sharing. the one shared says 3d6 4s1 is correct based on experiments.
To summarise it's 4s0 3d7 in reality due to unstable nature in water and energy stuff however we are supposed to chose 4s1 3d6 as correct , right ?
oh i havent found a reliable source yet for the 3d7 thing, if you have one, please share.
Nah I don't , I myself have heard this for the first time
also, a line in NCERT:
Removal of one electron alters the relative energies of 4s and 3d orbitals
@iTeachChem what am i supposed to infer from this 😭 ^
they are close in energy, removing an electron changes their energies :) (the whole zeff scene comes into picture along with electron electron repulsion)
multi electron systems in general
anyway, that is different from what we were talking about in this section, you can close it out, this doubt, perhaps?
great that you are reading ncert!
the way to go about it is to make notes, and solve qs at the back of the book along with exemplar. set aside time for this.
gotta be clear about two separate things
1) learn
2) practice
And dedicate time and effort to them separately.
Also, if either becomes a time sink, put a timer of sorts that you follow to disconnect and revisit after a week or two so see if you can figure it out.
Sure Sir!
Thanks for all the advice, learning inorganic and remembering everything has been a task 😭
ill close this one :P
+solved @iTeachChem
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