How to use curve fitted functions to eliminate media queries

Hello! I'm trying to eliminate media queries for setting font-sizes across diff widths. So as an example I want the font-size: 12px @ 320px width, 14px @ 768px width and so on till a max of 18px @ >= 1366px width
font-size: clamp(12px, calc(11.4691px - ( -0.001734982px / -0.001198634 ) * ( 1 - exp( 0.001198634 * 100vw ) ) ), 18px);
font-size: clamp(12px, calc(11.4691px - ( -0.001734982px / -0.001198634 ) * ( 1 - exp( 0.001198634 * 100vw ) ) ), 18px);
Problem is that exp() expects unitless values and i don't know how to do that Specifically, 100vw should return 320 or 1024 or 1920 etc without the px unit Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !
5 Replies
MarkBootsβ€’4mo ago
A few days ago I saw this handy trick to get the screen dimensions without units
T. Afif @ CSS Challenges (@ChallengesCss) on X
πŸ’‘ CSS Tip! Get the screen width and height using a few lines of CSS. βœ… Powered by @​property (Now available in all the browsers) βœ… Unitless values so you can easily use them inside any formula βœ… Updates on screen resize (No need for JS) @CodePen demo in the reply πŸ‘‡
From An unknown user
MarkBootsβ€’4mo ago
Temani Afif
Screen width/height (CSS-only)
What you see are the screen sizes (width x height) in pixel. No, I am not using JS to get them, it's a CSS-only trick! Online version: https://css-tip...
Amzβ€’4mo ago
Thank you! This is a GREAT start πŸ™‚
body:before {
content: counter(w) "x" counter(h) "X" counter(c);
counter-reset: h var(--h) w var(--w) c calc(11.4691 - calc( -0.001734982 / -0.001198634 ) * calc( 1 - exp( 0.001198634 * var(--w) ) ) );
body:before {
content: counter(w) "x" counter(h) "X" counter(c);
counter-reset: h var(--h) w var(--w) c calc(11.4691 - calc( -0.001734982 / -0.001198634 ) * calc( 1 - exp( 0.001198634 * var(--w) ) ) );
This is now correctly calculating the font size without the units solved and it works πŸ™‚ i need to test a bit more but looks like i just might be able to remove the extraneous media queries now well, using a simple linear regression formula works great for me freedom from media queries for simple props
MarkBootsβ€’3mo ago
nice, well done
Buoy176β€’3mo ago
I'm using SCSS and I've been using a lot this mixin to set font-size and other stuff across various viewport widths:
@mixin mx-linscale($prop, $maxVal, $minVal, $maxDim, $minDim, $measure: 100vw) {
$maxValPx: #{$maxVal}px;
$maxWPx: #{$maxDim}px;
$minWPx: #{$minDim}px;

#{$prop}: calc($maxValPx - ($maxWPx - max($measure, $minWPx)) * ($maxVal - $minVal) / ($maxDim - $minDim));
@mixin mx-linscale($prop, $maxVal, $minVal, $maxDim, $minDim, $measure: 100vw) {
$maxValPx: #{$maxVal}px;
$maxWPx: #{$maxDim}px;
$minWPx: #{$minDim}px;

#{$prop}: calc($maxValPx - ($maxWPx - max($measure, $minWPx)) * ($maxVal - $minVal) / ($maxDim - $minDim));
It will linearly change the $prop value between two viewport widths. Example usage:
.my-item {
font-size: 94px;
@media screen and (max-width: 1450px) {
@include mx-linscale(font-size, 94, 62, 1450, 770);
.my-item {
font-size: 94px;
@media screen and (max-width: 1450px) {
@include mx-linscale(font-size, 94, 62, 1450, 770);
In this case the font-size will be 94px if the viewport width is more than 1450px. In the viewport width range [1450px, 770px], the font size will linearly decrease from 94px (for 1450px viewport-width) down to 62px (for 770px viewport-width). Below 770px viewport-width the font size will remain at 62px.
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