how to stop scripts from replacing my configuration
I have a version of ComfyUI together with a version of python and it's dependendencies in a direcotry named /workspace on a storage volume. Everytime this pre_start script runs it wipes out my lib and starts over. I tried modifying the script but it gets regenerated every time I restart the pod. How to stop this?
67 Replies
@flick401 just to verify your issues is that you install custom nodes and on stop it gets wiped
No, my issue is that the comfy UI docker container runs a script called pre_start and replaces my python lib because it's outside of the mounted storage volume. I placed the python venv inside the workspace but now need that script to change path to /workspace/venv/python
#Better ComfyUI - CUDA12 my image solves this issue
So I'd have to do a fresh install with Better comfy?
Could you explain what your image does and the name? I've been trying to install comfyui for a few days now using the available image SD comfyui @Madiator2011 (Work) . Is it loaded with all the custom nodes I need (ip adapter, was suite, idm vton)?
it does save venv to workspace
and also it has lot of tools preinstalled that might be usefull for comfy ui
got it. I am deploying now
Let me know how it goes anlways happy to get some feedback
@Madiator2011 (Work) so first thing I noticed was that comfyUi was not deployed.
Second thing is that the python --listen doesn not work
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/workspace/ComfyUI/", line 73, in <module>
import comfy.utils
File "/workspace/ComfyUI/comfy/", line 1, in <module>
import torch
File "/workspace/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/", line 238, in <module>
File "/workspace/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/", line 197, in _load_global_deps
raise err
File "/workspace/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/", line 178, in _load_global_deps
ctypes.CDLL(lib_path, mode=ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/ctypes/", line 374, in init
self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
OSError: /workspace/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I am going to try wiping out ComfyUI and starting over since the only thing this installation has is ComfyUi manager
ye you would need reinstall custom nodes so it preinstall required packages
If you use comfyui manager, install the pip dependencies like you first install comfyui manager then fix all package from the cm-cli of comfyui manager
@nerdylive I am running1 x RTX A4000
6 vCPU 23 GB RAM Is it possible that I get an error torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError if I am doing something like this?
I don't know never used that node
Use the 24gb gpu vram at least
is it possbile to switch gpu?
without having to setup everything again?
Sure it's easy enough if you have data saved in a network storage (just use the same in another pod)
Or if you have it in a pod with no ns, you need to reinstall all of the files/program again
I have secure cloud network storage
Use the same template on another pod I guess
Yeah with the same network storage
if you used my template all thing should be saved on NS
I am going to shut down the current machine and use another gpu.
let's give it a try
terminating pod now
Chill, it's fine don't need to update everything here 👌
sorry, it's just my 7th time having to setup everything all over again and wnted to just make sure I did things right. Terminating and stopping are two different things but there was no other option. Just nervous I will have to redo everything again.
btw @Madiator2011 (Work) There are 20 GB it needs to download everytime you terminate the pod and run it again. Any guess as to what it is downloading?
Its base image + build in models
All good, if youre not sure better to stop it first if you have the option to(you don't when you use ns)
Ok, that seems to have done it. But I did notice that it was more CPU intensive than GPU. Is that because somewhere I am not configuring comfy to use GPU for processing?
nope usually yo do not need do anything to run on gpu
maybe use gpu sampler for more speeds
but it changes abit on the image generation process... ( im not really sure how to explain but you can experiment )
@Madiator2011 (Work) you may need to adjust your script to not create a venv in the root. and instead use the python instance in the /workspace
@flick401 whats the context
venv in / ?
though on what template we talk about
bettry comfy ui
This is correct behaviour
when I do any kind of pip install -r requirements.txt it begins installing everything in the /venv/lib/python3.1.0/site-packages
as on secure cloud /workspace is being overwritten
did you activated venv first?
even if I activate the script first it still uses the /venv
what kinda script you try to run
Requirement already satisfied: huggingface-hub in /venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 1)) (0.23.4)
hmm yeah aren't you should be using the /venv, thats the point of getting faster speeds on runtime
/venv is only cause it need to sync it to /workspace on secure cloud
Problem with /venv is that custom nodes get lost if pod is restarted
yea, so when does your template syncs back to the more persistent storage ?
it's not as comfy ui uses venv from /workspace
wait so whats the dependencies on / for?
oh for code server
it's so I can install required packages for comfy ui to start then sync it to /workspace on boot
code server is not using venv
Hm.. so no more download?
so pretty much we have 2 instances of python and it confuses the custom_nodes cause half of the dependencies have been installed in one and half on the other
is there a way to specify which python to use
nah all custom nodes are installed on /workspace if you use node manager
you can't use the comfy ui manager
This action is not allowed with this security level configuration.
what it worked for many users do you install some wierd extension
this is marked as experimental
does not tell me anything
No I didn't install weird extensions
These are all taken from the latest release
I mean I installed many extensions and all worked so im confused right now
you should be able to just ssh into the terminal and use pip to install python packages
though you need to install to venv as comfy ui runs from venv
ok, so we are saying /venv is the lib to use
./workspace/venv/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
could be comfy ui have hardcoded /venv
I think that may have worked
venv hard-code themselves, if you move it somewhere else, you have to update it in the files in bin folder
I mean ComfUI has hardcoded /venv/
It does not
Why would it do that anyway? Some users are on Windows, Mac etc not all Linux
And even for Linux, most users would not run it as root user
@Madiator2011 (Work) does this image Better ComfyUI CUDA12 Full now copy the venv and ComfyUi you have in your workspace and deploy it?
yes venv is synced to /workspace
very nice. That should save me time by loading everything I had in workspace
I do notice though that even with 1 x RTX A5000
8 vCPU 29 GB RAM It is terribly slow using CUDA
not first sync might be slow on first boot if use network storage