Menu not top.

How do I make a Menu that sticks to the top but I also wan to make a shape of it. Do I use position sticky?
2 Replies
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson8mo ago
You can use position "fixed" or "sticky", depending on what you want to do. In broad terms, assuming you set top: 0;, "fixed" will position it to the top of the viewport and "sticky" will position it at the top of it's container element. In the case of "sticky", once the container itself scrolls out of view the element will also scroll out of view. As you have mentioned "menu", I suspect that what you probably want is "fixed" as this will keep it at the top at all times. As regards making it into a shape, that shouldn't affect the positioning method selected.
JackcatOP8mo ago
Thanks for the reply. I'll give it a go.

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