Newbie struggling with adding custom domain to pages
I have this setup and i wanted to use my custom domain
I went afterwards in the dash board to websites added my custom domain, then I was asked to add the nameservers where I registered the domain. did that.
afterwards I added the custom domain to my pages, now it says that it is active but I can neither reach the naked domain nor the www. one
here is a screenshot of my dns records
Not sure where I went wrong.

14 Replies
there's no point in blurring dns-only records btw, anyone can look them up
for me your apex works

doesn't though, it's not added as a Custom Domain in your Pages Project settings. You can either add it there, or do a redirect insteadthat is odd, because I get a DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

just dns cache
how do i do that?
do what? clear dns cache?
there's different levels, you have your browser's (usually in memory), your system's (depends on os how to clear), and your resolver's. If you're using your default resolver it's probably ISP operated and some cache longer then they should in order to lower queries
you can either wait it out (shouldn't be more then an hour) or switch your resolver to google or cloudflare ( and clear dns cache on your system (depends on os)
you can fix your www in the mean time. It should either be another Custom Domain in your Pages Project or just redirect to your apex, redirects are better for SEO/no duplicate content but up to you
do i need to remove the cname www record for that?
if you want to do the redirect yup
ok i did that
does the www domain work now for you?
also i changed my settings to and, it is still not working so i might have to wait a few hours before i see it working
< HTTP/2 301 < date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 17:44:56 GMT < content-type: text/html < content-length: 167 < location: you clear system dns cache (depends on os)?
yea, it works now
i think it was a location based problem
looks like u.s. had access earlier
thanks for the help