Unable to setup tunnel
Hello so I am trying to setup tunnel on my raspberry pi. I already tried debian installation (there its stuck on INF Using systemd) and installation via docker, there it says:
2024-07-16T12:06:21Z INF Starting tunnel tunnelID=31214eda-82b5-4b5a-aa47-f6b2f218959e
2024-07-16T12:06:21Z INF Version 2024.6.1
2024-07-16T12:06:21Z INF GOOS: linux, GOVersion: go1.22.2-devel-cf, GoArch: arm64
2024-07-16T12:06:21Z INF Settings: map[no-autoupdate:true token:*]
2024-07-16T12:06:21Z INF Generated Connector ID: 072b75b2-73fa-4daa-a61f-5506451c1a57
2024-07-16T12:06:21Z INF Initial protocol quic
2024-07-16T12:06:21Z INF ICMP proxy will use as source for IPv4
2024-07-16T12:06:21Z INF ICMP proxy will use fe80::afb7:f759:8c9b:f5a2 in zone wlan0 as source for IPv6
And the connector is not visible. I already tried everything, even tried to setup that via portainer. Can someone please help me?
33 Replies
there's no more logs then that?
journalctl -u cloudflared -f --lines=100
No sir, just this on fresh installed debian 12 on raspberry pi and tried to run tunnel. System is up to date

Also the token is not refreshing, I mean when I create one tunnel the token is the same even when I make another tunnel
look closer, they're all JWTs so the start bit is all the same
Oh youre right
But still stuck on this:

is local dns good?
dig region1.v2.argotunnel.com
you're not running in a weird environment like wsl linux right?No, I am running it on a raspberry pi, but tried also on my laptop with normal AMD CPU - debian too

looks sane, try increasing log level then
you can modify the service file (
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/cloudflared.service
), throw --loglevel debug before run for Execstart, ex:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/cloudflared --loglevel debug --no-autoupdate tunnel run --token ey..<rest of token>
, then restart
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart cloudflared && sudo journalctl -u cloudflared -f --lines=100
Okay thanks, tried to do everything, but cloudflared dont want to restart it just endlessly waits. Ill try to do that level debug in docker maybe
like you're stuck at restart?
This is --loglevel debug in docker command

sounds like it's getting stuck on dns, should be equal to
dig _v2-origintunneld._tcp.argotunnel.com srv

How to fix that? Is it problem on my side or on cloudflare side?
your dns seems weird. I don't see any other public dns providers like attaching additionals like that, plus

Okay so should I change dns on my router?
Or just on the pi itself, to
Oh okay good idea is cloudflare right?
yea, you could do for Google or for Quad9 if you didn't want to use CF
I want to use cf
then CF is
For IPv4: and
For IPv6: 2606:4700:4700::1111,2606:4700:4700::1001
dns is set via /etc/resolv.conf, if it says something like "this is managed externally modify it here" follow what it says in there
Thank you very much for your help sir. It finally works!
Yeah I changed that in resolv.conf, the problem is that it is being rewrited back to the default - local one every reboot :/
weird that it dies on that without much output. I'm guessing is your router's dns?
because you have networkmanager or something? Should be able to override that there, and change dhcp dns at your router
Yes, I have networkmanager. So maybe ill take a look inside my router dhcp and change dns server from to
ps. don't forget to undo the loglevel stuff in https://discord.com/channels/595317990191398933/1262771155995983903/1263129673999712389, just snipping the loglevel param and redoing daemon-reload/restart should do, otherwise you'll end up with a lot of logs
Okay, thanks!