Cloudflare Turnstile Issue
Going to try this again ...
Purchased a new laptop and any site I go to that uses Clourflare as a turnstile to verify you are human via a captcha, I am unable complete. I get the message, but the captcha box doesn't appear. Below is the error message I get in the console.
I have turned off all extensions. Not connected to a VPN. Rebooted laptop. Cleared all cache. Cleared specific site data. Used incognito. Nothing is working. Used both Chrome and Edge. Only software installed is Norton.
Tried creating a new account on Cloudflare to use the community forums, but same thing, cannot complete the verify human captcha to complete registration.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

2 Replies
I get the message, but the captcha box doesn't appearSounds like it's crashing? Do you see anything in the console tab, like an error? That CSP issue is interesting...
Only software installed is Norton.A possible culprit. Do you have their web extension installed (or any)? Both Chrome and Edge are Chromium, could try Firefox as well to get an actual different browser.
The error message I get is in the console is in the picture above
Norton and a VPN. But the issue existed before I installed the vpn.
My plan is to try Firefox to see if it works. If not, I think I just have to restore the computer to original settings and then install and make changes step by step to see where the issue comes in
I do not have their web extension . I do have 3 others, all of which are disabled. I even deleted the extensions to see if that helps but it didn’t