Impossible to launch a CPU Pods via API
when I try to launch a CPu pods via APi with it's id it just crash, with the graphql api it say :
Pod resumed: {
errors: [
message: 'Something went wrong. Please try again later or contact support.',
path: [Array],
extensions: [Object]
data: { podResume: null }
via curl it say :
Internal Server Error
what should i do, I need to be able to resume and pause my pods, else what is the interest of an on demand solution ?!
13 Replies
I am able to create, stop and then resume, can you post the graphql query here? maybe something is missing?

this is a gpu pod
try the same with a CPU one, it does not work for me
mutation {
podResume(input: { podId: "${RUN_POD_ID}" }) {
machine {
here is my graphql code
and the curl :
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer MyToken" \
-d '{
"query": "mutation { podResume(input: { podId: "1784utm8khhhep" }) { id desiredStatus imageName env machineId machine { podHostId } } }"
}' \
=> Internal Server ErrorI even tried that

but i always get this reponse =>

Ah, I see. Let me try it and let you know.
Thanks a lot ! @yhlong00000
ok, try this query:

it work on postman ! where did you find this endpoint ? there is nothing on the doc
but thanks @yhlong00000 ! i was hopeless with that issue
You’re welcome! I figured it out by inspecting the browser’s network calls tab when I clicked the CPU pod resume button😂😂
Will ask them to update docs and provide more examples.
thanks ! nice idea to sniff their own api calls 😂
They're working on better api docs Hahah, for now yeah that's the best way to get working calls