Freeze after wake up from sleep
I am using the latest stable version
DE: KDE with wayland
GPU: Nvidia
After wakeup from sleep, it shows the lock screen as usual (sometimes show password field, sometimes doesn't) and freeze (unresponsive) for about 2-3 mins (between the times the screen may turn off and if pressing random buttons will wakeup and still freeze)
I tried to follow (disable with udev rule and run the
script) but it doesn't work.GitHub
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Solution:Jump to solution
you can try modifying this fix with those drivers, and pinpoint which driver can fix the issue
22 Replies
Did you add the udev rule as described?
echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2541", ATTR{idProduct}=="9711", ATTR{remove}="1"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/99-block-fingerprint.rules
Add the udev rule, reboot
The fingerprint scanner is the culprit for the suspend issue, the udev rule should solve it
That being said, the udev rule was tested on the 6800u model. Do you have a 7840u or 8840u?
If you have a newer model, please post the output of lsusb
It might be that the fingerprint scanner is different on newer models
...oh wait, just realized you said Nvidia GPU. Are you on a win max 2?
If not, ignore everything I said
That fix is for the GPD win max 2Hmm no, For detail:
Laptop Lenovo Legion 5 15IMH05
Its intel cpu so I think I have done wrong thing
Oh yep, definitely. That fix is not for other devices
Welp maybe have to wait if next update can fix this issue
Turn out it is something with the internet connection, if I turn off internet before sleep, and no freeze after wakeup, and vice versa
Is there any thing related to this problem?
oh, hrmmm.
so there's been some devices where you need to disable before suspend, enable after resume, for suspend to work
perhaps it's similar
Hmm so like have to disable wifi device before the device go to sleep, then enable it after login?
it's not the exact same problem, but yes
must disable/renable X hardware on suspend-resume for to fix a bug
the bug is different depending on the device
for example,
this person had wifi that stopped working after suspend-resume
but disabling/re-enabling his wifi on suspend-resume fixes it
you can try a similar fix, you'd just need to know what your wifi card is 🤔
Alright! I will try
sudo lsmod
what output?
we can look for your wifi therewhat line should I find? its too big to send as normal texxt
lsmod | grep iw
lshw -c network
I see:
you can try modifying this fix with those drivers, and pinpoint which driver can fix the issue
^ the fix basically creates systemd services that will disable/enable the driver on suspend-resume
modprobe those drivers right?
alright, understand
side note, I should update that fix for to be able to do a local install
anyways yeah, keep me updated on if it works or not 👍
it works! I also know the root causes of this bug. Turn out, I am using external wifi device, that device somehow conflict with the system (?), so if I remove that external device, this issue doesn't happen again.
nice, glad to hear that it's fixed. was the fix physically removing the external device? or did you modify the fix I posted?
The modify worked