Contentful issues when deploy
Hello, i have an error 500 when i try to get content from my cms contentful.
all env var are working good.
also my project working good on local.
also i'm using sveltekit
8 Replies
A worker threw exception or what exactly? Sounds like you're using Pages? #pages-help
I would tail and see what the request does

navigate to that url directly or use dev tools to see the exact response html
it's internal error
idk what is invalidated
using query parameters to get around cache/invalidate it is a common thing
I would tail your function then
yea i think it's a problem on sveltekit because it's sveltekit-unvalidated
If you're looking to tail a Pages Function you can do so in the UI here:
or with Wrangler:
wrangler pages deployment tail [deploymentId/url]