Sulfonation of Aromatic Comp. Mech
I have a confusion in the first step.
SO3 acts as an Electrophile as it has a vacant d orbital right?
Then why does s=o bond involved in the first step, why can't benzene directly form a coord bond with S's d vacant d orbital, there won't be any -ve charge on oxygen in that case right?

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Which d orbitals of sulfur take part in the pi bonds of SO3?
In $\ce{SO3}$, 2 $p\pi-d\pi$ bonds are present. But which $d$ orbitals of
sulfur take part in these $\pi$ bonds?
The answer says $d{xy}$ and $d{yz}$. Someone also told me that crystal field th...
benzene is a π acid ligand if it's forming coordinate bond then it must also get lp from sulphur (synergic Bonding) but sulphur isn't free in this case.
@iTeachChem sir, this was the explanation for this question given by someone in the jeeneetards server.
could you please verify this as i haven't learned coord comp yet
i will check it out sir, thank you
alright thanks
Transcription requested by TempestUknow
I am an organic noob, dude. So, I will just have to trust what the internet says on stuff like this. Although, I will just look a little bit more maybe once I get home. But, sure.
Transcription requested by TempestUknow
Okay, this is just SO3, right? I know you're looking for how SO3 interacts with benzene. I'll probably look it up later. I know what bonding of SO3 is like, and it theoretically does not involve any d-orbitals. If it does, it would involve all of them. So either way, what we are saying is a little bit different than what we are taught in school. Maybe I'll look up what you're asking specifically later on. You can also look it up. Look it up on ChemStack Exchange or Master of Organic Chemistry or something that kind of doubt that you have specifically.
we good?
+solved @iTeachChem
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