Zero Trust VaultWarden issue tunneling.
When trying reach my domain I get error 502. What might I be doing wrong?

8 Replies
502 is from the tunnel being unable to connect to your service.
Those issues can all be troubleshooted the same way:
- Check cloudflared logs and see what error it's failing with
- If you can't figure it out from the error/it's generic conn failed, try the exact same fetch via curl from the same cloudflared host (in this case container) and debug from there
That screenshot you showed with the public hostname doesn't make sense, you can't just have a port with no ip. Since the traffic is going over the local docker network I think you'd want
This is the log I have gotten
meant to ping log but wtv :NotLikeThis:
Try using server:80 for the host instead of “vaultwarden:80”
using localhost:8090 works
Weirdly enough what is that supposed to infer?
I mean that’s just container -> host -> container, instead of container-> container.
So, would that be okay if I have multipe sites?
I mean sure but does mean those ports are taken so can’t be used by other services