Unable to upgrade to business edition
Hi all, I have been unable to upgrade to business edition on cloudflare. Can you please advise? I have a support case open: 3336714. The error message I get is: The zone cannot be upgraded at this time. (Code: 1258)
3 Replies
Yea that's a T&s/billing issue, same advice as this:
If you have a blocked hostname then there's two courses of action
1. You may have an unpaid invoice you need to pay, check here: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/billing -- if there is one, pay it and wait a few minutes. You may need to re-add the domain
2. If not, you'll need to contact Trust & Safety -
[email protected]
-- the community (including employees here) have no visibility or control over thisif you already made a ticket it should be redirected to the right place eventually, it's either a billing thing or a t&s thing