I was starting to play around with one
I was starting to play around with one trainer and an XL checkpoint and noticed the learning rate in the tier_1 10GB json preset was "learning_rate": 1e-05" which seems higher than all your other learning rates you've been moving towards. Is that accurate or should I move it to something like 1e-06 or 8e-07?
5 Replies
or does the adafactor optimizer auto tune the LR so it doesn't matter what you put
try 7e-6 or 8e-6 for unet
which link you downloaded config from?
1e-5 is accurate for u-net
for text encoder we use lower
this LR is good for adafactor + mixed BF16 precision
it was like this for kohya as well but later something changed with kohya and i did new trainings and found out that LR is now applied more strongly so i had to reduce LR
OneTrainer Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) Fine Tuning Best Presets | SE...
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@Dr. Furkan Gözükara from the patreon link. tier1_10.4GB_slow.json and tier1_15.4GB_fast.json