How to I get CF emails to actually forward the message even if SPF soft fails?
So it's saying that there's an issue with's SPF? Am I understanding this correctly?

11 Replies
It thinks it softfailed spf yea, but that's not a rejection, it still went through to your worker. Every email processed by a worker will show dropped though. If the worker errored it'd show Delivery Failure
Hmm it still dropped the message though. Is there a way to get it to forward and not drop?
Any email handled by Workers will always result in Dropped being shown as the result, even if your email worker forwards it or not. Anything else is up to your email worker about how it handles it/forwards it/etc
Oh I see. My worker calls the forwarding function and it didn’t forward because of the soft fail. The rest of the logic ran though
How do I get it to forward regardless of a soft fail
It should have still forwarded to your provider, softfail just means "mark as suspiscious"/quarantine but accept the email
perhaps your provider on the other end spammed it or something
there's zero configuration on how CF deals with spf/dmarc failures though, if it did fully fail for example and got dropped, no way to override
you only need to pass dkim or spf anyway, and it passed dkim
Why is it failing from outlook tho?
well spf softfail means the sender's ip wasn't in the list
But you’d think outlook sat their email to run correctly. No?
And we know that it wasn’t spoofed either since it passed dkim right?
who knows, you'd have to have grabbed all the allowed ips at the time it failed and the one it tried to know for sure
doesn't really matter, softfail on spf just means dkim should be used/trusted instead, and it passed
Hmm okay I’ll take a look at the logs of the email it forwarded to
Thanks for the help. I appreciate it
sure, email is confusing and CF showing dropped for all email worker handled email doesn't help