36 Replies
im pretty new soooo
It’s oki
But your photos are great!!
Love it!!
Looks great! For photography are you using your phone camera or an actual camera? If you’re using your phone camera I recommend using portrait mode! It focuses on the main object or person and blurs out the background but, regular works too just doesn’t blur out the background. With photography I believe it’s based on position and angles. I don’t take classes or read up about it; I mainly learned while taking pictures since it’s been a hobby of mine. Here’s a few I’ve taken! (Still new so open for tips!)

that corvette tho 🥵
omg thx
im using a real cam btw
Looks better in person :Brim_GigaChad:
Ohh okay I don’t know much about using an actual camera lol I’ve only used it once for a year for making my school yearbook 🤣
but thx for the tips in general
Np :Sage_Heart:
i know :GigaChad: i saw a matte black c8 and a bright yellow c7 last week
Dayum where at 😍
I took the picture at a hotel in Mississippi 👍
in the rich part of the german town i live in :Hehe: (i dont live there)
Dang lucky; love to add more cars to my album 😔
to be fair, you couldnt add many to your album here, since 9/10 rich people that get an expensive car will just get a mercedes g class :r_stare:
in hamburg theres A LOT of AMG GTs (like way too many)
saw a full chrome aventador there too tho :sageGasm:
LOL TRUE but, here or the people I’m around only have Teslas and corvettes 😔💔
Used to have a sick MR2 (custom) too, wish I took a picture before it was sold 💔💔
oh to be rich and afford a car
back when i was in hamburg i saw a fully tuned smart
let me get a reference pic
similar to that, just different rims fully matte grey :skullSpin:

I feel like I’d hit my head trying to get into that car 😔💔
Here’s another I took like 2 years ago at a fair

the last expensive car ive seen was last week (some old lady crashed into it :SCbruh: ) i think it was cgevrolet camaro zl1 with bodykit 😭
Crashed?! Sad asf
yeah just rear ended at a stop light
Yesterday I saw one of these.

try to put your render distance to more than 2 chunks
I didn’t take the picture lol I was in the back seat looking at the thing 😭
First time seeing one of those…
they are so ugly
Idk why anyone would buy one of those tbh 😭
that was one of the earliest signs that mr musk isnt sane
Isn’t it expensive too??

Not worth it in my opinion.
looks great :val_Prayge: