Amperes Law

Question: Find the magnetic field at P due to given arrangement of current carrying wire ..Plz solve by Amperes law ... PFA What's the mistake indeed ? As the correct answer is 2√2ui/πa
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10 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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lmaodedXD8mo ago
ampere's circuital law inaccurate, usme maxwell ka correction lagta hai (for line current, it only gives correct B when the wire is infinitely long 🤣) pls only trust biot savart for such questions
Say_miracle_shadowOP8mo ago
Could you tell why Amperes circuital law is inaccurate here and what exactly is Maxwell correction ? @lmaodedXD Yess ,At the first glance I did by Biot Savarts law but then the Amperes law just striked my mind ...
lmaodedXD8mo ago
i just know the formula you add some constants* d(electric flux)/dt to the original RHS ( Unot I) pls google it 🗿
Mohit8mo ago
You're applying the Ampere Circuital Law incorrectly. Treat the sides of the square as a separate wire in itself. at point P, the Magnetic field will be into the frame if you use the convention by Biot Savart's law. Once you have a direction, draw a circle concentric to the centre of the wire. The vector dl will be along the circumference of the circle.
lmaodedXD8mo ago
still ampere ciruital doesn't find the correct B for finnite length ki wire
iTeachChem8mo ago
is this figured out?
Say_miracle_shadowOP8mo ago
+ solved @Mohit
iTeachChem Helper
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