CoolerControl + Grid+V3
I've installed CoolerControl with
But my Grid+V3 is not recognized, tried looking at liquidctl, and it see it:
Does anyone know a solution ?
27 Replies
Here are some logs from the service at startup :
Hi, did you ever find the cause of the issue? Im looking into this myself now since Im facing the same problem
Hi, did not find a solution, for now. liquidctl work so i added a command manually to steam. I should send an issue in github in the weekend.
I just tried the AppImage version of coolercontrold and that works just fine. So maybe it's a compatibility issue with the current Python version Fedora is shipping?
In any case, that should be a workaround for now, but you need to run that AppImage as root
Which is not ideal
i saw that liquidctl available in brew, maybe try removing liquidctl from layer and installing it using brew
Just tried this, it unfortunately has the same problem. Gonna check to see what version of Python the appimage uses
thats really weird, brew apps should have their own deps
I think it's an incompatibility between liquidctl and python 3.12
Which, incidentally, is what both fedora and brew ship
oh? i thought brew apps can choose deps however they like
i checked and they explicitly use that version, maybe their team missed something?
homebrew-core/Formula/l/liquidctl.rb at 9093d03de0f4dbaebcf44274b46...
🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux) - Homebrew/homebrew-core
coolercontrol-liqctld is made with python too!
I think it might actually be an incompatibility between that and the shipped version of python instead, since Im not getting any python errors with liquidctl in homebrew
Here's the status from systemctl:
It's an error with the "typing" library, which is definitely used here
coolercontrol-liqctld/coolercontrol_liqctld/ · main · Coo...
Cooling device control for Linux.
bazzite had problem with python-typing packaging not long ago
Oooh, maybe that's related?
maybe? im not really sure tho
Funnily enough, liquidctl also uses the typing library. It's just that when I run it on homebrew, there arent any extra errors in the output
do they require some specific typing version?
Not sure
It just says
import typing
, so Im assuming nomaybe try getting the version that worked and compare with installed version

im not sure how tho So this is what it does
Python documentation
typing — Support for type hints
Source code: Lib/ This module provides runtime support for type hints. Consider the function below: The function surface_area_of_cube takes an argument expected to be an instance of float,...
bazzite use typing from rpm, version can be checked with this command
rpm -qa | grep typing
yeah now try to find version that worked
I think typing is a built-in library
It was added to python 3.5
homebrew uses python 3.12.4
the.. exact same as bazzite
Wait no hold on
typing_extensions is different to typing, it looks like
Because liquidctl doesnt need that as a dependency - it isnt installed by brew when I install liquidctl
Ah, different problem then