It's what Pages functions refers to as

It's what Pages functions refers to as an advanced mode, although it's actually just a regular worker way of doing things. If you wanted to deploy your nextjs app as a completely normal worker (which doesnt sound like the best idea to me), you'll need to come up with a way to manage how you would still expose assets to env.ASSETS.fetch('/{assetPath}'). You'll also end up getting billed a lot more since the _next/static files will all have worker invocations, and you're going to be paying for either KV or R2 to store and serve all your site's assets. Doesn't sound very fun. You're essentially going to be operating what used to be referred to as a Workers Sites deployment. Something Cloudflare have been trying to discourage and get away from people doing, and to instead use Pages. You could still have a worker for crons that is separate to your nextjs app. You could also modify the worker file created by next-on-pages to capture logs and dispatch them to a queue or something if you wanted
1 Reply
LH8mo ago
Thanks for the context. Agreed, sounds like not a fun way to go, so will rather pass. Cron is easily solvable by a separate Worker. So now it's just about finding an effective way to solve for capturing & sending logs to an external service. I'll go read up on advanced mode and see if there's an easy/clean way to modify the worker file to intercept logs.

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