trouble with layouts

Hello everyone I’m new to web development and know the basics of HTML and CSS but having trouble trying to build a layout and creating webpages for my portfolio can anyone please help with some tips or resources please ?
3 Replies
althepal789mo ago
Youtube Kevin Powel is a good one, and stuff like that. You can go to they are pretty awesome
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clevermissfox9mo ago
Also kPows got a free course conquering responsive layouts I also find scrimba helpful . You can filter by free courses. I'd also stick to v1 (notice the v1 in the url, their v2 is pretty broken still ) scrimba
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell
Do you want to learn how to make some kick-ass websites? Between teaching in a physical classroom, my YouTube channel, and the premium courses available here, I teach people how to make the web, and how to make it look good while they are at it.
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JosueGOP9mo ago
Thank you!

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