D1 is empty
Hi All, I am facing an issue using D1 locally. The issue is my worker cannot see any of the DB objects I have created.
First, I setup my DB with some DDL:
wrangler d1 execute appdb-dev --local --file=./1.sql
Then I can query the DB:
wrangler d1 execute appdb-dev --local --command="SELECT * FROM User" // works
However, when I try to access my local d1 instance in the worker, it can't find any tables. It is obviously looking at some other local instance, but I can't find any way to list the local instances, or don't know the commands to understand whether I am looking at the right one.
Any ideas? Wrangler.toml below:
name = "app-services"
compatibility_date = "2023-12-01"
route = "api.myapp.app/*"
compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat"]
kv_namespaces = [
{ binding = "MYAPP_TOKENS", preview_id = "###", id = "###" },
binding = "DB"
database_name = "appdb-dev"
database_id = "###"
preview_database_id = "appdb-dev"
route = "dev-api.myapp.app
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