Need help with using aws s3 for static website hosting
So I use cloudflare as my DNS provider, but I want to host a website with s3. I want to be able to use route 53 while still using cloudflare for most DNS records. I've tried putting the nameservers for the route 53 zone into my cloudflare website, which did not work. I'm just wondering if there's any way for me to stay on cloudflare while using route 53 for my s3 static website, namely so I can continue using services such as the advanced security and e-mail.
18 Replies
I don't think you can do that, unfortunately
So would I have to move my entire domain over to route 53?
No, the other way around
What exactly is Route 53 doing?
Aws needs route 53 to directly link to the s3 bucket, I think because they want you to use route 53. I should be able to add a CNAME record to cloudflare, which will point the apex to the bucket. Let me go check that real quick
made the record
Let me check if it worked rq
It did work!
let me try in a different browser because I've had problems with that in the past
Yeah so when I launch the website in firefox, the website appears as it did when it was hosted on github, even though I removed those records ages ago. Any idea as to why this happens?
DNS records can be cached upstream for a day or more. Maybe check whether you are hitting Github or Cloudflare?
Its been like this for almost a month now, that's how long it's been since I erased the records. Let me delete the repo on github and see if that changes anything.
Yeah, that didn't do a thing. The files for this website shouldn't be contained anywhere. It has the cloudflare analytics files, so I think it's still under cloudflare
You can enable Cloudflare Web Analytics without actually being on Cloudflare. What is the domain name?
But I didnt. I just had some A records pointing to github pages. The domain is
If you see just a simple website with a couple lines of text, that's correct.
If you see a complex website with a sidebar, navigation, and animation, that's incorrect

That's what it should be.]
What browser are you on?
Firefox Developer Edition
That's really weird.
Let me see if there's any remenents of the files on my PC
Have you tried nuking the cache?
Also, do you see it making network requests?
I did clear the cache a couple days ago, let me do it again
after clearing the cache, its still the same
In the Network tab, do you see your browser making requests?
Oh wait nvm
Ok, I figured something out because of the network requests.
somehow, there's old files still contained on the domain. How? I do not know, but you can view an old stylesheet at this URL:

You know, I wonder if it's pulling files from my computer
my SSD is a mess
Erased all mention of it
This doesn't even matter, I realize, because it's only doing this to me
@HardlyWorkin' I figured out the problem. For some reason, firefox stores some sort of secret cache that prevents it from updating. You have to force reload the cache by holding ctrl + f5