Brotli via cloudflared
It is impossible to use brotli from origin since cloudflared make HTTP 1.1 requests to local services via unsecure connections. It changes Accept-Encoding to gzip only.
7 Replies
Cloudflared can make HTTP/2 connections over HTTPS if the tunnel is configured that way. Though haven't tried that to see if Brotli works
Yes. It is true. But using encryption for localhost requests is an overkill as I see. it.
True but brotli is only supported over HTTPS
Yes, I know. Maybe it i a good idea to implement brotli inside cloudflared.
What do you mean inside cloudflared? Why would cloudflared go against the spec of brotli?
I mean after receiving data from local service compress it with brotli befor sending back to CF DC and the to the client.
Ah gotcha. You could open a feature request for this
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