10 Replies
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+solved @user1 @user2...
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.Ye do limit solve krke bhejna pls

For 1st one when -1<x<1 x to the power infinity will be zero therefore ans will be ax^2+bx
For the last one as x^2n will become infinity (for x>1)divide numerator and denominator with x^2n you will get x^-1 = 1/x
Ahh got it..
Btw is it necessary ki 1 aur -1 pe hi check krna ho continuity
Ya koi bhi do number pe krskte hai??
The reason we check it at 1 and -1 is the function changes definition at those points
For all other values of x, we see that the function is already continuous and it doesn't help us in finding a and b
ohk thanks
to close this, type '+solved @user1 @user 2' user 1 user 2 being folks who helped you out :)
+solved @Real potato @Comrade Rock Astley
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