blocked from ticket bot website
i’m not sure if i’m supposed to ask here, so sorry if i’m not!
i was creating a ticket panel for my server, but then my panels stopped working and when i refreshed the website, it told me i was blocked. i’m not sure exactly why, but probably because i was resending them fast. i’m not sure how to fix it, is there anyway i could be unblocked?
i’m blocked on my computer and phone, and all browsers

6 Replies
If you are blocked by a website that uses Cloudflare, you need to contact the website owner to appeal or investigate the block. Cloudflare is configured by the site owner, and Cloudflare will not overwrite the configuration of any customer. Nobody in this Discord nor any Cloudflare employee will be able to help you. The site owner can investigate why you were blocked through your ray id.
how do i contact the site owner? sorry if it's a dumb question
there's no Cloudflare provided way to do so, it just depends on them. Social media, support emails, etc
they link a "support discord server" here
docs/src/miscellaneous/ at master · TicketsBot/docs
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the most helpful thing you can give to them is the ray id near the bottomish of that page.
They have full control over their rules and can unblock you/make an exception for you/etc, just depends what they're willing to do
(and ps that's not the normal cf rate limiting block page, that's the one for failing a more specific rule)
ohh okay, thank you
it went away! thank you for the help though :1a_heart2: